Visual Production
Screenwriting | Shooting | Editing
I am a freelance videographer who can guide you through the process of video production from conception to completion. In Virginia, I interned in video production at Jpixx and Studio Center for a semester each and then interned in television production at WHRO for six months before being hired and working there for a year. My background spans creative roles such as floor director, video editor, writer, and camera operator. In addition to my extensive theatre production experience, I've worked with video marketing agencies, production companies, and small businesses trying to build their online visibility with quality video content.
Some Past Short Film Collaborations
I've always had a strange sense of humor and every now and then I've been lucky to find other humans who go along with it. I've taken classes through Second City Online, completed UCLA's Professional Program in Screenwriting, and have an MFA in Cinema-Television with an emphasis in Screenwriting.